Port Activists from Puget Sound visiting Bay Area

Activists from Olympia PMR (Port Militarization Resistance) to speak in San Francisco on Friday, March 28, 2008

Last spring I exchanged emails with Joshua Neuhouser, an SDS activist, who took part in antiwar actions at the Pacific Northwest ports of Tacoma, Olympia and Aberdeen. His letters, vividly describing those events, are at


Yesterday (3/24) I finally got to meet Joshua and three other SDSers from Puget Sound who are currently visiting in the Bay Area. We had coffee together at a Haight street café and shared port experiences.

This Friday (3/28) these young people will be giving a talk on last November's week-long protest in the Port of Olympia. I urge everyone to attend.

Daniel Borgström


Olympia Port Militarization Resistance -- Presentation/Discussion


Friday, March 28, 2008
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Bound Together Anarchist Collective Bookstore
1369 Haight Street (near Masonic)
San Francisco
Bus Lines 71, 6, 33, 37, 43 all stop nearby

Three participants in last year's Olympia, WA port militarization resistance activities will be speaking on their experiences and events involving blockading the port and other actions. This event is free/snacks served. Please come join us for an evening with our friends from Olympia. Additional info will be posted on the Bound Together website.


Also see

A letter from Bellingham

PMR (Port Militarization Resistance) in the Pacific Northwest
