Veterans on the U.S. Attack on Syria

Veterans for Peace
East Bay Chapter #162

Statement on the
U.S. Attack on Syria

"We call for restoration and enforcement of international law including prosecution of the U.S. government for committing the 'supreme crime' of aggression against Syria."

On Thursday 6 April 2017, President Trump ordered a military attack with 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles on the sovereign state of Syria. Fourteen Syrians were killed, including five adult civilians and four children.

This is an act of war and violation of the U.S. Constitution which requires Congressional approval.

It is also a violation of the UN Charter and international law which the U.S. is signatory to and thus is supposed to be the “law of the land”.

Donald Trump campaigned to be President with a campaign pledge to stop the policy whereby the U.S. acts as world judge and policeman and overthrows governments it does not like. This action is a betrayal of Donald Trump’s campaign pledge on which some people voted for him.

As military veterans we have seen:
* the difference between what is portrayed on television and reality.
* the waste of money in death and destruction.
* how many of our fellow service men and women come home damaged physically or psychologically.
* how much death and destruction we cause to the people we claim to be helping.
* the lies of chicken hawks, warmongers and cheerleaders.
* how the American public is manipulated to support war based on lies and half-truths. For example, the babies being removed from incubators in Kuwait were a hoax. The weapons of mass destruction in Iraq did not exist.

For many years the U.S. has been supporting mercenaries and fanatics attacking the sovereign state of Syria. The “moderate rebels” we support work directly with the Syrian version of Al Qaeda. This is a repetition of the 1980’s when the US sponsored the Contras attacking the sovereign state of Nicaragua. That was ruled illegal by the International Court at the Hague. What the U.S. is now doing in Syria is similarly illegal.

We unequivocally oppose this act of aggression against Syria. It is for the Syrian people to determine their leadership and government.

We call for restoration of the U.S. Constitution which requires Congressional approval before going to war.

We call for restoration and enforcement of international law including prosecution of the U.S. government for committing the ‘supreme crime’ of aggression against Syria.

Veterans for Peace
Chapter 162 / SF East Bay
12 April 2017