Forums for KPFA Pacifia
videos of two KPFA forums. Both were on the same topic of KPFA, one in San Rafael, and the other in Berkeley. The formats are quite different. More written details under the links
Marin Peace & Justice, February 6 KPFA Recall Forum--Part 1
Marin Peace & Justice, February 6 KPFA Recall Forum--Part 2
KPFA Forum held at the Historic Fellowship Hall in Berkeley, Monday, January 30, 2012
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
The Social Justice Committee of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists has had many discussions about "what's going on?" over at KPFA Pacifica. We are deeply concerned about the viability of KPFA Pacifica after a long trend toward financial insolvency and internal divisiveness. We seek tolerance and conflict resolution in our faith, and in the way we live our lives. We want to see that kind of spirit prevail at KPFA Pacifica. We hope that enough of the people involved in the debate over the direction of KPFA Pacifica are willing to be tolerant, open-minded, and interested in genuine conflict resolution to commit themselves to engage in a civil discussion about the situation at KPFA Pacifica. Hopefully, the great majority want to work to establish a new spirit of truth & unity at KPFA Pacifica and to foster genuine solidarity within the station personnel and among the thousands in the community who consider themselves owners of that station. Yes, Pacifica holds the license. Yes, the foundation, the management, the staff, and the volunteers do the work. But the listener-members pay the bills, and they established their right to vote and to be represented in the great "Save KPFA" struggle of the 1990's. So "we the people" are especially in need of truth & good will that can build the trust & unity that we need, that we need to demand of those who are granted the opportunity to manage and to work at our wonderful station. We must not be pawns of insider games. For we are the masters of the fate of this station.
Therefore, we are proposing a "Truth & Unity Forum for KPFA Pacifica". We have no idea who will come or who will refuse to join in the dialogue. However, we know that is urgent and essential that we rebuild our community solidarity in order to engage the issues of our times. People in the "Occupy Wall Street" movement for economic justice, and indeed, all social justice struggles, need all major players in the KPFA Pacifica experiment in pacifist community radio to put their egos and turf wars aside long enough to begin to re-build this effort at truth and unity. We are inviting all parties and all concerned community activists to participate in a civil dialogue to inform ourselves about the nature of our concerns and how to resolve them.
There is a larger struggle going on in our society and in the world that cannot be effectively engaged by the station without truth and unity at KPFA Pacifica, and, about KPFA Pacifica. One faction recently mailed out a glossy poster claiming that Pacifica "has declared war on its listeners and workers". If that is true, then they should state the case, and we may need to support them. If that is not true, and something else is going on at KPFA Pacifica, then we may need to oppose the ongoing attacks on Pacifica and on Interim Manager Andrew Leslie Phillips, Interim Program Director Carrie Core, and Treasurer & elected Local Station Board member Tracy Rosenberg. Maybe we could move toward a different kind of rhetoric and methodology if we participate in an open forum to get the facts out into the air and sunlight.
The well-being of people all over the world hangs in the balance. People in the USA have finally begun to address the problem of "systemic economic injustice" and they need and deserve our "undivided" support. Will you come to the forum? Will you come with a spirit of good will and dedication to truth and unity? The event will be videotaped as a public record. So bring your best deeper caring self. State your best points without posturing or meanness? Encourage others to bring an open mind along with that great capacity for critical analysis that we already share in common. We at the BFUU Social Justice Committee are "opening our doors" on January 30, 2012 to you, and for you, to recommit to the healing, bonding, and organizing, so needed now. Let's get on the right road before it's too late to get started!
Fellowship Hall
1924 Cedar Street, Berkeley, CA 94709
(At Bonita Ave, one block east of MLK Way & three blocks west of Shattuck Ave)
This location is wheelchair accessible via the ramp on the Bonita Avenue side of the building.
"Free" event! Donations accepted & will go to KPFA Pacifica!
For the latest BFUU event information
Marin Peace & Justice, February 6 KPFA Recall Forum--Part 1
Marin Peace & Justice, February 6 KPFA Recall Forum--Part 2
KPFA Forum held at the Historic Fellowship Hall in Berkeley, Monday, January 30, 2012
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
The Social Justice Committee of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists has had many discussions about "what's going on?" over at KPFA Pacifica. We are deeply concerned about the viability of KPFA Pacifica after a long trend toward financial insolvency and internal divisiveness. We seek tolerance and conflict resolution in our faith, and in the way we live our lives. We want to see that kind of spirit prevail at KPFA Pacifica. We hope that enough of the people involved in the debate over the direction of KPFA Pacifica are willing to be tolerant, open-minded, and interested in genuine conflict resolution to commit themselves to engage in a civil discussion about the situation at KPFA Pacifica. Hopefully, the great majority want to work to establish a new spirit of truth & unity at KPFA Pacifica and to foster genuine solidarity within the station personnel and among the thousands in the community who consider themselves owners of that station. Yes, Pacifica holds the license. Yes, the foundation, the management, the staff, and the volunteers do the work. But the listener-members pay the bills, and they established their right to vote and to be represented in the great "Save KPFA" struggle of the 1990's. So "we the people" are especially in need of truth & good will that can build the trust & unity that we need, that we need to demand of those who are granted the opportunity to manage and to work at our wonderful station. We must not be pawns of insider games. For we are the masters of the fate of this station.
Therefore, we are proposing a "Truth & Unity Forum for KPFA Pacifica". We have no idea who will come or who will refuse to join in the dialogue. However, we know that is urgent and essential that we rebuild our community solidarity in order to engage the issues of our times. People in the "Occupy Wall Street" movement for economic justice, and indeed, all social justice struggles, need all major players in the KPFA Pacifica experiment in pacifist community radio to put their egos and turf wars aside long enough to begin to re-build this effort at truth and unity. We are inviting all parties and all concerned community activists to participate in a civil dialogue to inform ourselves about the nature of our concerns and how to resolve them.
There is a larger struggle going on in our society and in the world that cannot be effectively engaged by the station without truth and unity at KPFA Pacifica, and, about KPFA Pacifica. One faction recently mailed out a glossy poster claiming that Pacifica "has declared war on its listeners and workers". If that is true, then they should state the case, and we may need to support them. If that is not true, and something else is going on at KPFA Pacifica, then we may need to oppose the ongoing attacks on Pacifica and on Interim Manager Andrew Leslie Phillips, Interim Program Director Carrie Core, and Treasurer & elected Local Station Board member Tracy Rosenberg. Maybe we could move toward a different kind of rhetoric and methodology if we participate in an open forum to get the facts out into the air and sunlight.
The well-being of people all over the world hangs in the balance. People in the USA have finally begun to address the problem of "systemic economic injustice" and they need and deserve our "undivided" support. Will you come to the forum? Will you come with a spirit of good will and dedication to truth and unity? The event will be videotaped as a public record. So bring your best deeper caring self. State your best points without posturing or meanness? Encourage others to bring an open mind along with that great capacity for critical analysis that we already share in common. We at the BFUU Social Justice Committee are "opening our doors" on January 30, 2012 to you, and for you, to recommit to the healing, bonding, and organizing, so needed now. Let's get on the right road before it's too late to get started!
Fellowship Hall
1924 Cedar Street, Berkeley, CA 94709
(At Bonita Ave, one block east of MLK Way & three blocks west of Shattuck Ave)
This location is wheelchair accessible via the ramp on the Bonita Avenue side of the building.
"Free" event! Donations accepted & will go to KPFA Pacifica!
For the latest BFUU event information
Labels: CL, CLers, Concerned Listeners, ICR, independents for community radio, KPFA 94.1 FM, KPFA Pacifica, Pacifica Foundation, Pacifica Radio, Save KPFA, saveKPFA,, support kpfa